Thursday, 20 September 2012

Bracing bearers/ setting FFL

  • Dumpy set up to FFL (Finished floor level).
  • Plastic packing is placed in anchor piles that require more height.
  • Dodge line is set up on all sides of the bearers.
  • 90 degree angle bracing is used where the dodging block finds bearers not straight.
  • Once bearers are strighten with bracing steel bracket plates are screwed down to secure the bearers to the anchor piles.
  • Wood piles are placed where the floor plan has indicated.
  • Final check with the dumpy.
  • FFL is set for the building.
  • A straight 450mm centers line is drawin every  for the floor joist.
  • Floor joist are ready to be laid down and cut where needed.

Bearers are packed where needed for the FFL to be the same level.

Dodge line is set up on sides of bearers to be straighten by bracing.

Steel bracket plates are screwed down when FFL is right.

Bearers are srewed down to the anchor piles when they are sraightened, squared, leveled and braced for the floor joist.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Straighten/Level Bearers

  • Measure and cut two square 3.5m lenghts of 150 by 50mm.
  • Measure and cut four square 6m lenghts of 150 by 50mm.
  • Lay out timber on piles and join two rows of timber which equal 15.5m.
  • Nail two nails every 300mm while swapping between two opposite angles.
  • Lay out all four bearers upon the anchor piles.
  • Construct four shorter bearers to form two long rectangles.
  • Nail home.
  • Check parallels/ diagonals
  • Use sledge hammer to adjust bearers to make square.
  • Construct two shorter bearers to connect the two rectangles to form one rectangle.
  • Nail home.
  • Check parallels/ diagonals
  • Use sledge hammer to adjust bearers to make square.
  • Straighten/ String line/ Dodge
  • Set up dumpy on tripod
  • Pack bearers for each anchor pile with the dumpy set at 1.43m
  • Check parallels/ diagonals

150 by 50mm timber laid out to find the correct cuts i.e Two 6m lengths and one 3.5m lenght. Two rows of timber per bearer inverted.

Nail gun on two different repeative angles per 300mm to increase strenght of the bearer.

Dumpy level used to see if the bearers are level and which ones need packing.

Bearers joined from lenght and width to help keep the building square.

Reinforcing rods/ pouring concrete

  • Cut steel rods 600-800mm lenghts.
  • Use strong wire to construct a cross within a square.

  • Concrete truck pours concrete into wheel barrows.
  • Half the anchor pile boxing is poured when the reinforcing square/cross rods are placed.
  • The anchor pile boxing are fill just over the top.
  • The anchor pile boxing is hit by hammers and a wooden staff is thrusted up and down within the concrete to prevent the honey comb effect from air bubbles.
  • The concrete is leveled out by shedding with a wooden trowel.
  • Brent rods are placed in each opposite corner to be later craned lift from the contruction site.
  • Concrete has a cure rate of 28 days. Light work can begun within a couple days of pouring.

  • Clean down all bracing 100 by 50mm timber for later reuse.
  • Clean down all tools and wheelbarrows used to prevent damage.
 Reinforcing rods are placed halfway during the concrete pour to insure strenght and flexibility of the anchor pile.
Shedding of concrete with wooden trowel to be level with the anchor pile boxing.
Bent rods placed in the wet concrete to help move the anchor pile in a later date after construction.

Setting up anchor piles/ leveling site

  • Mark out lines for house site, 8m from fence boundary.
  • Set up dumpy to 1700mm.
  • Measure out anchor pile locations from floor plan.
  • Level site by adding or removing gravel at anchor piles to 1700mm.
  • Compress gravel with compactor at anchor piles to 10mm within 1700mm.
  • Level off anchor piles with spirit leveller.
  • Pack where required.

  • Bracing were build from the longest lenght of the building site.
  • These were drilled 100mm from the anchor piles at each end. Each hole drilled roughly 1m.
  • Steel rods cut to 400mm to hold down bracing.
  • String line set parrell and square before placing anchor boxing.
  • Anchor boxing lined with string line and checked with a dodging block.

  • Took photos of the footpath, driveway and gutter for evidence of how the terrain looked like in case the council got heavy with damages.


Digging pile level, plumb and square to the same dumpy measurement (1700mm) for the whole site.

Bracing the anchor pile boxing to minimise movement during concrete pouring.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Setting up profiles on site (Step by step)

  • Set up first peg on site.
  • Measure 7.2m with tape. (8.2m: Start 1m from tape for accuracy)
  • Place peg two.
  • Measure 15.5m from peg two. (16.5m)
  • Place peg three.
  • Measure 7.2m from peg three. (8.2m)
  • Place peg four.
  • Measure 15.5m from peg four to peg one. (16.5m)

  • Place three pegs per corner.
  • Measure 1m from pegs one, two etc...
  • Form a three-point 90 degree angle with profiles.
  • Set up dumpy
  • Adjust bubble to center.
  • Use 8m tape measuse to find mark 110mm for concrete level (FFL).
  • From (FFL) 110mm mark, use tape measure.
  • Find horizontal line via dumpy on tape measure.
  • Use the same measurement for all profiles i.e (931mm).
  • Mark the FFL
  • Set up batter boards and bracing for profiles.
  • Set up string line for the first two profiles.
  • Square up all four profiles with string line.
  • Use 3,4,5 technique to confirm measurements/squaring of site.
  • Confirm measurements of 7.2m, 15.5m and diagonal 17.091m. 
  • Replace the four house site pegs to the final measurements from the string lines.
  • Site is ready to be boxed for concrete.